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Monday, August 16, 2010

A Love Song

 (Just as physical attributes are passed on from one generation to another, so are spiritual. As you read this poem written by my daughter, embrace this gift first to me and now to the world.)

A Love Song

By Kiera Walker 6/6/06 ©

I look at the world around me, and I am amazed at what I see.
Your detail is so intricate and so infinite beyond belief.
As the smell of each flower flirts with my nose,
I search the deeper things in life that I may see through the eyes of whom it was composed.

My eyes absorb light, reflecting the color of Your ways.
I so easily become enraptured with you- quickly falling into a daze.
I lean near Your ear to hear what I can hear.
Immediately I am consumed with the sounds of drums beating ever so clear.

The rhythm of each drum matches my heartbeat.
Together we flow, together we are in sync.
And then I hear Your heart; it’s calling out for me.
My heart begins to swoon; it falls for You so easily.

Love is so much more than a feeling; there’s so much more to grasp.
I listen as the Father speaks, all the while lying upon His abs.
I think to myself He is a Spirit, yet He looks so much like me.
He responds, “You were made in my image, surprised you shouldn’t be.”

I just smile, and I revel in His presence that is ever so dear.
He caress’ the top of my head and says, “Be still now for I Am here.”
Tears of joy trickle down my face,
As He holds me in His arms, I feel His warm embrace.

He speaks, “You see my child, there is so much to gain.
For the love of this world equates to you pain.
But the Love I have for you- none other can compare.
And if you just open your eyes, you can see it everywhere.”

It is in the hum of a bird and the buzzing of a bee.
These are ways I say I love you, please don’t limit Me.
It is in the white cloud that soon turns dark.
Most people think I’m crying when it rains, but it’s really the melting of My heart.

It is in the love of an animal- say a dog or a cat.
You know they can sense danger and they know when you’re upset.
A dog may even come to lick your wound, and you may wonder if it makes it better,
However, don’t look at the outside appearance- the internal scar is what he’s after.

Everything that I have created exemplifies my love.
But the thing that I love most- I wear it like a glove.
Why else would I tattoo you on the palm of My hand?
I desire to have you so close to me, forever imprinted in the sand.

When you look below, it’s My hand holding you up,
And when you look above, I AM here to fill your cup.
I AM encamped all around you, please be still and see,
That just because physically I’m not there, doesn’t mean I have forsaken thee.

There is a part of me in everything that exists.
I surrounded you with life to remind you I AM always in the midst.
Don’t focus on the tangible world, instead let it be your guide.
For it will reveal to you the secret- I AM always by your side.

For where you find life, there you will find Me.
And when you see love, I dare say you’re staring at Me directly.
The blood has been spilled; I have given you the key.
Please follow the trail, because this is why you are free.

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