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Sunday, June 17, 2012

On The Banks of God's Great Sea

"In loving memory of my father, Arthur McClain, who died of lung cancer on December 16, 1994. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!"

On The Banks of God's Great Sea
By Gloria A. Walker @1996

Daddy, I know you're resting
On the banks of God's great sea.
As you watch the children play
Will you remember me?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Watchman's Healing

Battered. Broken. Bloody.  The mountain of healing is before me. What little energy I have left is spent raging at that mountain with the promise of healing but not the power to follow through.  No hand comes to soothe my fevered brow. No hand comes to offer a cool drink of water to quench my parched and thirsty soul. My life’s blood spills to the ground where I lay dying. All around me are the things that wait for death so they may pick at my flesh and devour what is left of me.